It's been a month since I have published letters to you and it has gone really great! It's been exciting getting messages from people saying they have purchased it or they have just finished reading it and really enjoyed it, they found they could relate to it. It's been a great month and I thank everyone who has supported/purchased my first book, it's meant a great deal to me and I appreciate and love you all.
I have been working on another, short story? I don't know if it is going to be a short story as one idea has grown into something more and keeps growing and I am not sure which way it is going to go. I have absoloutely no idea when it is going to be done as I can work on it really good for a day or two with my fingers just pouring out ideas and then I draw a blank and can't look at it for a week. Last week when I (tried) to work on it I just stared at my laptop screen for hours; it was quite frustrating lol but I guess it's something that comes a long with writing; writers's a given!!!
This story is different then what I am used to writing which is usually my travel blog, something thats on my mind or something from personal experience; this is an eerie tale taken from different perspectives. I have never written anything like it and I am excited about it but I need to be able to keep the eerie/creepy effect through the whole thing so it's a bit of a struggle. You are all probably hoping for a sneak peak of some sort but its not quite ready for that but I do promise that when I have something that I feel is good enough to let loose I will post it. But, on a another note I would like to announce that Letters To You, Kindle version is now available for FREE for Prime Members here so if you haven't purchased it yet now is your chance to get it for FREE! If your not a Prime Member you can still purchase the print version here or both kindle and print versions here!
Well thats all for now, get reading!!!